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Support Services

Interpretation Services

Portneuf has interpreters at all times at no cost to the patient or their guests. Please alert a staff member if English is not your preferred language. The hospital provides interpreters at no charge upon request for patients who do not speak English or are deaf. In addition, Portneuf can coordinate translations in various languages, including Braille, and can arrange for audio transcriptions.

For more information on interpretation services contact the house supervisor 208-221-6038.

Spiritual Care – Portneuf Chapel and Pet Therapy

Chapel – Our Chapel, located on the ground floor near the main entrance across from the cafeteria, provides a soothing, quiet place for patients and family members.

Pet Therapy – Pet Therapy offers emotional support to our patients. Pet therapy provides positive human-animal interactions in a clinical setting. Our pet therapy volunteers visit waiting rooms, the cancer center and individual patients on request. To request a visit from a furry friend, contact our Director of Volunteer Services at 208-239-1155.