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Patient Rights

As a patient at Portneuf Medical Center (PMC), we encourage you to be a partner with us in your care. We want you to know your rights as a patient, and your responsibilities for your health care and our expectations while you are a patient. You and your personal representative (family member or someone you designate) have a right to: Respect & Dignity

Quality Care

  • Receive proper evaluation and treatment of your condition accounting for your social, emotional, and spiritual needs.
  • Be free from restraints, except when required to protect your or others from harm.
  • Be free from abuse, neglect, or mistreatment; obtain access to protective services.
  • Have any concerns about your care heard, and when possible, promptly resolved. You or your family or personal representative may bring your concerns to:
    1. Any of your PMC caregivers.
    2. Portneuf Medical Center Administration at 208‐239‐1032 or 777 Hospital Way, Pocatello, ID 83201.
    3. Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Facility Standards at 208‐334‐6626 or PO Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720. For more information visit healthandwelfare@idaho.gov.
    4. DNV-GL Healthcare USA, Inc. Attn: Healthcare Complaints, 4435 Aicholtz Road Suite 900, Cincinnati, OH 45245. Fax: 281-870-4818. Phone: 866-496-9647. Email hospitalcomplaint@dnv.com or visit the website dnvheathcareportal.com/patient-complaint-report
  • Be treated with respect and dignity by the hospital and medical staff at all times.
  • Receive considerate, respectful, and compassionate care in a safe setting regardless of your age, gender, race, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disabilities.
  • Be given personal privacy during conversations with your caregivers, examinations, and treatment.
  • Expect confidentiality of your personal health information and financial information.

Access to Care

  • Receive emergency treatment to stabilize your condition regardless of your ability to pay.
  • Be informed of business relationships among the hospital, other health care providers, or health insurers that may have an impact on your care.
  • Be informed of realistic care alternatives when hospital care is no longer appropriate.

Information & Communication

  • Have us promptly notify a family member or personal representative of your choice and your own physician of your admission to the hospital.
  • Communicate with caregivers and those providing services in a language or method you understand.
  • Have information about your care explained accurately and completely, in a way that you understand.
  • Receive detailed information about hospital and physician charges.
  • Review your own medical records and receive a copy of your medical records, except as limited by law.
  • Communicate with people outside the hospital, except when this would interfere with your care. Any restrictions will be explained to you.

Pain Management

  • Have an appropriate assessment of your pain and be involved in decisions about treating your pain.
  • Have your pain responsibly managed.

Informed Decision‐Making

  • Direct your care with an Advance Directive that describes what you want done in case you become unable to make health care decisions; the PMC Case Management Department can assist you in completing and Advance Directive if you do not already have one.
  • Discuss your care with your caregivers and have your family and personal representatives involved in your care when it is appropriate.
  • Be informed about your diagnosis, condition, treatments, and prognosis from your physician and caregivers.
  • Be informed of the risks, benefits, and treatment options and have the option to agree or refuse the treatment plan.
  • Be informed of any research studies that may affect your care and have the choice to agree or refuse to be a part of the research. If you do not agree to be part of research studies, it does not affect your other treatment.
  • Be involved in your discharge plan. You will be told in a timely manner about your discharge, transfer to another facility or another level of care.
  • Be told about what follow‐up care you may need.


  • Be told the visitation policies in the clinical areas where you are being treated, including any restriction or limitations.
  • Tell us who may visit you. You may refuse any visitor at any time.
  • We will not restrict or deny visitation based on age, gender, race, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disabilities. We may restrict visitation for clinical reasons or due to other necessary limitations.
  • Have visits from your attorney, clergy, or physician at any reasonable time.
  • Speak privately with any visitor unless a physician does not think that it is medically advised.

*Media representatives and photographers must contact Hospital Administration to access any area of PMC to protect the privacy of all patients*


  • Give us correct and complete information about your health status and history. Tell your caregivers about any medication you brought from home.
  • Give us a copy of your written Advance Directives or tell us what steps you want taken if you become unable to make health care decisions.
  • Cooperate with your caregivers and ask questions if you do not understand treatments, information, or instructions.
  • Tell your caregivers if you cannot or will not follow the plan of care or instructions.
  • Accept the health consequences if you decide to refuse treatment or do not follow instructions.
  • Respect the rights of staff, other patients and visitors and their property, and respect hospital property.
  • Tell your physician or caregivers about any changes in your health status, including your pain level or response to treatment.
  • Ask your caregivers about anything you do not understand including your diagnosis, treatment, discharge instructions, medications, or follow‐up care.
DOC NO HI00071 (10/24/16) AR